• No need to purchase a ticket in advance! However, we do have a $2 entry fee for shoppers, which gives you access to shop from all of our preloved rack sellers, discover local makers, enjoy live music, and grab food & drinks from our vendors.

    We accept both cash and EFTPOS.

  • Rack sellers are required to bring up to two clothing racks and coat hangers. A small table for shoes and accessories is optional.

    We also recommend that stallholders bring petty cash and have their bank details ready for transfers. Square readers are optional but can be helpful.

  • Makers are required to bring up to two tables to display their items, and you're welcome to bring anything else to enhance your setup and make it stand out.

    We also recommend bringing a chair for your comfort!

  • Yes! There’s a car parking right next to the venue, along with plenty of street parking nearby.

  • Stall holders must arrive between 7am and 7:15am for an 8am start. Please don't arrive any later than 7:30, as we need all setups completed before opening to ensure safety.